[heading]Welcome To My Userpage ❤[/heading][/notice]
Hello, I'm 16 years old, generic mapper and player. I like playing jump and liquid maps, and make maps for my friends^^
TWITCHYOUTUBESTEAMVKTIK TOKCамая лучшая котейка на свете^^Fav MappersEvery mapper <3[/centre][/notice]
Mapping –
active | Modding –
Inactive | Playing –
[heading]Mega collab osu!Squad[/heading][heading]Beatiful Collab ♥[/heading][centre]
I love Flandre >< ❤[box=My Devices]Tablet: Wacom CTL 480
Keyboard: Zet Blade Pro (Kailh Blue), Motospeed K23(Kailh Red)
Mouse: Razer Naga Red
Headset:Bloody G437